Book Title : Parithyagaya | පරිත්යාගය
Author : Dhanawathi Gamage
Language : Sinhala
File Format : pdf
File Size : 489 KB
- Causes
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- Android App
- PHP Scripts
- WordPress Plugin
- WordPress Theme
- Generale
- Religion
- Graphic Design
- Video Editing
- Photography
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- Non-English
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ලිංගික එක්වීම වේදනාකාරී වන වැජිනිස්මස් රෝග තත්වය
Vaginismus කියන තත්වය ඇති කාන්තාවන්ට ලිංගික සංසර්ගය බොහෝ දෙනෙකුට මෙන් ප්රියජනක අත්දැකීමක්...
agriculture: Egypt
Thousands of years ago, before the existence of Egyptian civilization, the regions of North...
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Concepts of mental illness
In everyday speech the word ‘illness’ is used loosely. Similarly, in psychiatric...